Arthur Topham and Denis Rancourt on Trial - Veterans Today
In a moral and reasonable universe, things operate according to the laws of logic and evidence.
View ArticleGene Simmons Is a Destroyer - Veterans Today
Simmons is no longer spitting fire and sticking his tongue out during concerts and live performances. He is now raising money for the Israeli Defense Forces in the Los Angeles area.
View ArticleJames Bond Meets Aleister Crowley - Veterans Today
What most viewers probably do not know is that Ian Fleming, the creator of James bond, was fascinated by Aleister Crowley.
View ArticleDr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Alex Jones and Paul...
The next time you are planning to watch an Alex Jones show, keep your eyes open, put your thinking cap on, and then ask Jones serious questions about the so-called "globalists."
View ArticleHollywood and The Hateful Eight - Hollywood – Veterans Today
The Hateful Eight, which the New York Times itself says “mutates from an exploration of racial animus into an orgy of elaborately justified misogyny,” is very similar to Tarantino’s Django Unchained in...
View ArticleKabbalah Goes to Hollywood - Hollywood – Veterans Today
When you see Goyim like Quentin Tarantino using obscenity and perversion in Hollywood and dancing like puppets, then you can be sure that they have internalized the commands of their oppressors.
View ArticleObama to seek crisis actor position after leaving presidency - Hollywood –...
What explains such a seemingly odd career choice for a soon-to-be ex-president?
View ArticleSatan, Sinkholes, and Sonic Booms - Hollywood – Veterans Today
"Hollywood, I notice, seems to be particularly enamored of Satan at present. "
View ArticleSpotlight: How Hollywood and the Media Play Double Standard and Defend Their...
Let’s get this straight: law enforcement ought to indict every priest who has ever been involved in pedophilia. But will they go after Wilhelm Reich and his followers, who literally persuaded priests...
View ArticleA Brief History of Social Engineering and Psychological Warfare in the United...
"We are wise men because we believe... in subordinating our will to Logos."
View ArticleClose Encounter with the Khazarian Mafia in Hollywood—Interview with Director...
"To do business in Hollywood, one must play by unwritten and unspoken rules, but the rules nonetheless. The first and foremost rule is to always support the Zionist agenda."
View ArticleBatman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice League Is Golem Reborn - Hollywood –...
Superman, as the Jerusalem Post points out, is fundamentally Jewish, which is to say he is a military leader and messiah who attempts to bring about tikkum olam.
View ArticleNagorno-Karabakh and the Passover Feast - Hollywood – Veterans Today
Efforts by Zionist Jews to create instability and instigate wars are getting to be about as common as fireflies on a summer night.
View ArticleThe Devil That Never Dies - Hollywood – Veterans Today
When historians say that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, do they mean to say that every single Japanese who has ever lived actually bombed Pearl Harbor?
View ArticleElijah Wood: Hollywood Is Infested with Pedophiles and Vipers - Hollywood –...
"There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind. There is a darkness in the underbelly."
View ArticleNWO Agents and Satanists Want to Corrupt Children Around the World -...
Satanists continue to use the sex and film industry in order to darken the minds of millions. How else would they produce TV series such as Jessica Jones, Orange Is the New Black, etc.?
View ArticleHoly Serpent of the Khazarian Mafia (Part II)
Hollywood celebrities are drawn to evil like flies to a garbage dump.
View ArticleAngelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had it coming
“The industry wanted, dead or alive, new artists to sell their souls…to survive. The industry don’t give a fuck about you! But the industry couldn’t make a dime without you!”
View ArticleThe Khazarian Mafia in Hollywood
Hollywood stirred the subversive pot, and other nations such as Japan and South Korea followed suit.
View ArticleRose McGowan: I was raped by a studio head in Hollywood
“The industry wanted, dead or alive, new artists to sell their souls…to survive. The industry don’t give a fuck about you! But the industry couldn’t make a dime without you!”
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